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Italy Job Visa For Bangladesh 2025 – Online Apply for Agriculture, Seasonal & Non-Seasonal Visa

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Italy Job Visa For Bangladesh 2025 – Online Apply for Agriculture, Seasonal & Non-Seasonal Visa and Click here to Apply Now Online. Finally, the cabinet approved sponsoring workers in Italy. Italy has allowed worker visas and sponsored visas together from 32 countries including Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India. By 2025, Italy will take four and a half million foreign workers from different countries of the world. These workers will be taken through a sponsored visa. The country’s cabinet gave final approval on Friday (May 23). Bangladeshis will also get a chance in this. It has signed by Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi. This is a post for Italy Work Permit Visa 2025, Italy Job Visa Krishi for Bangladesh 2025, and Italy Krishi Visa 2025 Apply Online.

Italy Job Visa For Bangladesh 2025 – Online Apply for Agriculture, Seasonal & Non-Seasonal Visa

These workers can come and work legally in Italy in different sectors. Among the sectors in which workers will be able to come, a total of 4,50,000 workers will be able to come and work this time on seasonal, non-seasonal, and other visas. Italy will take workers from 32 countries including Bangladesh in seasonal and non-seasonal quotas. Albania, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Korea (Republic of Korea), Ivory Coast, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Gambia, Ghana, Japan, Guatemala, India, Kosovo, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, There are Montenegro, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Northern Macedonia Republic, Senegal, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine.

Italy will take 450,000 workers from Around the World

Despite the turbulent times in the Italian labor market, Bangladeshis are ahead in getting sponsored visas. Expatriate Bangladeshis believe that the strong position of Bangladeshi businessmen living in the country is the main reason for this.

In the next three years, the Italian government will hire more than 450,000 workers from different countries. However, to get this opportunity one has to go through a long vetting process. The Italian government’s crackdown on illegal immigration has led to a record number of applications this year.

However, compared to applicants from 36 countries, Bangladeshis have submitted the most applications this time, according to the Immigration Department of the Italian Ministry of Interior.  Expatriate Bangladeshis are also happy to have the opportunity to go to Italy legally. Expatriate Bangladeshis are also happy to have the opportunity to go to Italy legally.

Despite the strict rules, Bangladeshis are ahead in the race to get Italian-sponsored visas. Expatriate Bangladeshis believe that the strong position of Bangladeshi businessmen in the country is the reason for this. Sponsor visa Italy Visa Bangladesh-Italy

Good news for Italy visa applicants – ইতালির ভিসা আবেদনকারীদের জন্য সুখবর:

স্পন্সর ভিসায় সুখবর, ৪ লাখেরও বেশি শ্রমিক নেবে ইতালিঃ

Italy Job Visa For Bangladesh 2025

Italy Seasonal Agriculture Visa and Non-seasonal Visa 2025

An additional 27,700 permits will be issued for non-seasonal contracts (employees) and self-employed workers. Of this, 20,000 are for people employed in road transport, construction, and tourism (hotels).

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In this context, Advocate Anisuzzaman Anis, International Secretary and Legal Adviser of Central JSD, said that this time more workers will be brought on seasonal (agriculture) visas. The Italian government will soon bring in 42,000 workers to make up for the losses incurred due to the corona in this agricultural country. And the non-seasonal visa process is much more complicated. It was very open 12 years ago. The last two terms have hard to come by. Although there are only 12 thousand quotas from the mentioned countries. If there is excess, the quota of Bangladesh may be less than 1 thousand.

How to apply For Italy Job Visa 2025?

Applications will be accepted from now, on for self-employed workers, employers of non-seasonal workers, and those who convert existing residency permits. Seasonal workers (agriculture) and sponsored visas can apply for 2025.

Sponsor visa process starts in Italy for 2025 Sponsor visa process in Italy starts for 2025, where 1 lakh 81 thousand 450 workers will be taken. Bangladeshi applicants face tougher scrutiny due to brokering circles. It is important to be vigilant to avoid any kind of fraud and make the application successful. Here is the step-by-step process of applying for a sponsor visa:

আবেদন প্রক্রিয়া:

  • 1. ওয়েবসাইটে প্রবেশ করুন: ইতালির সরকারি ইমিগ্রেশন ওয়েবসাইটে লগইন করুন।
  • 2. নিবন্ধন করুন: যদি নতুন ব্যবহারকারী হন, তাহলে নিবন্ধন করুন।
  • 3. ফরম পূরণ: “Flussi Decree” ট্যাবে গিয়ে নির্ধারিত ফরম পূরণ করুন।
  • 4. দলিলপত্র যুক্ত করুন: প্রয়োজনীয় দলিলপত্র যেমন পাসপোর্ট, কর্মচুক্তি ইত্যাদি আপলোড করুন।
  • 5. সাবমিট করুন: আবেদন সাবমিট করার পর ক্লিক ডে’র জন্য প্রস্তুত থাকুন।
  • ক্লিক ডে: ২০২৫ সালের ক্লিক ডে তারিখ হলো ৫, ৭ এবং ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারি। এই দিনে দ্রুত আবেদন সম্পূর্ণ করতে হবে।

সতর্কতা: দালালদের থেকে দূরে থাকুন এবং কোনো ভুল তথ্য প্রদান করবেন না। ইতালির স্পন্সর ভিসার বিষয়ে আরও বিস্তারিত জানার জন্য সরাসরি তাদের ইমিগ্রেশন ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করুন।

Apply Online

Seasonal/Agriculture Visa Application Starts: 2025
Deadline for Seasonal Visa Application: 2025
Non-Seasonal Visa Application Starts: 2025
Deadline for Non-Seasonal Visa Application: 2025

Employers must apply for seasonal and non-seasonal employment, but applicants for self-employed and permit conversion must complete the application process themselves.

Applications can only be made online through the Ministry of Home Affairs website. To do this you will need an Italian SPID electronic ID. So no one from outside Italy can do that.

The application form should include the address and details of where you will be staying in Italy, as well as the documents required for the employment contract, such as a copy of the employment contract or any relevant license.

Application Process

Applications will be accepted until March 17, 2025, and will be processed by the Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione Immigration Office in the order in which they will be accepted. This means that it is important to start the visa application process as soon as possible after the publication of the quota list. Most Bangladeshi quotas are met within minutes. Any application that comes after the quota is met or an application that is completed incorrectly is rejected. You cannot apply twice or twice in the same year.

Once you get the permit, you have to start working. As a foreign citizen of Europe, you will need three main documents to live and work in Italy. A work permit (Nulla Osta), a work visa, and a residence permit (Parmeso de Sogiorno).

If your permit application is successful, you will need to apply for a visa. You must submit a visa application to the Italian embassy or consulate in your country of origin before you travel to Italy. From there you will enter Italy with a visa.

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However, within eight days of arriving in Italy with a visa, one must apply for an Italian residence permit at the police office. The police will then give you a Parmeso di Sojourn. (Parmeso di Sojourn Hall, the documentation that will allow you to stay in Italy legally).

Note that the permit or Nulla Osta is valid for six months. This means that you must enter Italy within that period and apply for a residence permit at the Kastura or police station within those six months.

For more information on visa and residency permit applications, you can take help from the Visa website of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Help can obtain by contacting the Visa website of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or the Bangladesh Embassy in Italy or the local Questura (Police Office).

Those Who Can Apply for Italy Job Visa For Bangladesh 2025:

Most permits this year (42,000) are for temporary seasonal workers. The Italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policy has confirmed that. Of this, 14,000 are for agricultural workers only. An additional 26,000 permits will issue for non-seasonal contracts (employees) and self-employed workers. Of this, 20,000 are for people employed in road transport, construction and tourism (hotels).

According to the Ministry of Labor, 100 quotas are specifically for workers of Venezuelan descent of Italian descent. Who have at least one of their parents up to the third degree of direct Italian descent.

Italy Work Permit Visa – Who Can Apply

Italy will allow another 100 quotas for skilled foreign workers who have completed training and education in their home countries — highly skilled.

In 2025, the government has again reserved a total of 500 quotas for self-employed workers. As was the case in previous years. There are strict criteria for those who will apply here. Eligible quotas include entrepreneurs who play an important role in the Italian economy, and who will invest their own money in Italy, not less than five million euros, which will create at least three new jobs. Other categories include artists of obvious repute or high and well-known professional qualifications.

The remaining 7,000 quotas granted under the decree are reserved for those who are already carrying a residence permit in the country. For other reasons such as education, the permit will convert into a residence permit for work.