free web hit counter E-Porcha Khatian Download – e porcha gov bd Login, Check, Khatian, Application, Map

5/5 - (2 votes) E-Porcha Khatian Download – e porcha gov bd Login, Check, Khatian, Application, Map is available at this official website. If you would like to get e-porcha bangla, e porcha gov bd login, land gov bd e porcha gov bd map, online porcha check bd, eporcha gov bd khatian e porcha app, e-khatian, Online RS Khatian check BD you can get all this services from the official website of In this article we will show you how to get these services easily through this website of E-Porcha. So, let’s get started: E-Porcha Khatian Download – e porcha gov bd Login, Check, Khatian, Application, Map

This official website helps us a lot because we can solve our various tasks or advance ourselves in various tasks through land office or ministry of land in daily life. So, through today’s post, you can get detailed information about the activities of the official website called E-Percha.

Ministry of Lands of Govt recently launched website. This is the official website of e-Porcha service, from where anyone can find land records, deeds and ownership. Also, you can view your account or khatian including CS, SA, RS, BS and more services via this website.

www eporcha gov bd

The government uses the website to ensure the proper execution of land related works following the rules followed till date since the Tenancy and Land Act was passed in 1950. Apart from having an official website called Land Gov BD, Ministry of Land has an official website called e-porcha which we usually get at land office or apply at home. Through this official website we can easily access citizen corner and perform important tasks related to Khatian as well as search documents.

Before knowing about the official website of E-Porcha we need to know what is Porcha and definition of Porcha. Generally, information related to land owner name, owner’s father’s name, landmark number, land type, land extent and boundary etc. ie based on all these information we can know the important related matters. A land copy and deed is a paper. In this important way to know the details of any land and to collect the certificate complying with these rules, provision is now made to collect the same through online application.

eporcha gov bd Login

Currently we can easily collect any land related documents using the official website of So if you need this map or any information you can definitely apply online. You can collect this booklet by post on the application form by paying a very small application fee. In this case, you need to visit the website to apply for Mauza Map and provide all the information required as a citizen to apply. So how to collect Mauza map through this post has been described in detail for you. To login on this web portal you need to put your mobile number and password then press the login button. Login

Online RS Khatian Check BD

For those who want to check RS khatian through online, we will tell the correct rules to check RS khatian through today’s post. To know the correct rules to check RS Khatian through online you need to follow some rules and in this case you need to collect Khatian number in advance. Because in website language when you click on khatian search option or go to citizen option and use this topic then you have to complete the task with khatian number. Because when you enter the website and want to search for RS Khatian, even if you know the information about the department or local address, many may not know the RS Khatian number.

Therefore, if you want to find land ownership by RS Khatian, you can find any type of land ownership and with the help of Khatian number you will get the details of where and how much land he owns. to that ownership. Moreover, you can easily calculate the total land area of any dead person by determining the amount of land in the number of spots.

Download RS Porcha Online

Above of this article, we have told you the rules to follow while downloading RS papers. Through this post you will be able to do important land related tasks in your daily life based on knowing this information and you will also know what kind of benefits you will get by visiting the official website called e-portcha. Therefore, by downloading the RS form, you can easily get a detailed idea about the land of a particular boundary or plot number and a detailed list of where the information has been recorded in the government survey. . Khatian Application

If you are applying for khatian through online then this application can be done by visiting the official website called e-parcha. Because by going to this official website you have to go to the application page after going to the website to download the form. By going there you can easily apply based on providing your address information and plot number or seat wise number. Apart from accepting these applications online on official basis, matters are being looked into to dispose each application very quickly. So you can easily follow the above mentioned rules to complete your assignments or download RS papers online.

By visiting the official website, you can be able to perform various time related tasks through the login provided to you. But there is an option called office login through which email or username has to be given. Moreover, you can easily create an account by providing the password you set there to get official benefits. Therefore, for office login, authorities have given you the option to visit this official website and work to get various benefits. However, for different types of applications, you don’t need to enter any special information or login here separately.

eporcha gov bd খতিয়ান অনুসন্ধান

You can find the information related to online papers from here. Also below this we will give details about online e-trading application. After knowing the information about E-porcha, many people want to take this service. In this case, the first thing that needs to be known is the online application for E-porcha. This is because there are many people who do not know about the application process, for them we will say that the application process is a simple process. Through which you can complete the application process very easily. We will inform you about this application process through the process of applying for Khatian i.e. Khatian application is mentioned below.

How to Apply Online e-Porcha and Khatian Application?

Interested people are searching online about its rules for Khatian application. Here we are about some important information and rules for online Khatian application. So we will tell you about these rules here. To apply for Porcha and Khatian online, the first thing to focus on is login. It requires you to login through some information ie while applying online some information will be asked for login.

After providing these details correctly you will be completed your account ie login through password. Then the page that will be displayed will mention various services. Above all services there will be an option called Khatian application by clicking on it you can apply for Khatian by providing required information. Hope you have understood the matter, if there is any problem in this matter, you can read it again and apply for Khatian immediately.

How to Check E-Porcha via online

To know about any Khatian online, we must know about the important information that you have to provide based on all the information that the Khatian will be displayed to you. Otherwise we will not be able to know about the land registration basically a process of verification is presented here. In this case, a small list and process of all the information that will be displayed to you by providing the information on the website managed by the Ministry of Land is given below. E-Porcha Khatian Download - e porcha gov bd Login, Check, Khatian, Application, Map

  • First, you need to visit
  • Category Selection: You have to select the category in which you live.
  • District Selection: Select the name of the district to which you belong.
  • Upazila Selection: Select the name of the district to which you belong.
  • Mouza Selection: Select your Mouza name.
  • Select Khatian Type: Select the type of Khatian you want to extract.
  • Khatian No: Select the land deed to be issued.
  • Spot Number: Select if the spot number is known.
  • Owner’s Name: Mention the owner’s name if mentioned.
  • Name of Father/Husband: If mentioned can be given.
  • Captcha Code: Select the captcha code given above and click on the search button.

eporcha gov bd খতিয়ান অনুসন্ধান

  1. Visit first at
  2. বিভাগ নির্বাচন: আপনি কোন বিভাগে বাস করেন সেই বিভাগ নির্বাচন করতে হবে।
  3. জেলা নির্বাচন: আপনি যে জেলার অন্তর্ভুক্ত সেই জেলার নাম নির্বাচন করুন।
  4. উপজেলা নির্বাচন: যেই উপজেলার অন্তর্ভুক্ত আপনি সেই জেলার নাম নির্বাচন করুন।
  5. মৌজা নির্বাচন: আপনার মৌজার নাম নির্বাচন করুন।
  6. খতিয়ান টাইপ নির্বাচন: যে ধরনের খতিয়ান বের করতে চান সেই ধরণ নির্বাচন করুন।
  7. খতিয়ান নং: যে জমির পর্চা বের করবেন তা নির্বাচন করুন।
  8. দাগ নাম্বার: দাগ নম্বর জানা থাকলে নির্বাচন করুন।
  9. মালিকের নাম: মালিকের নাম উল্লেখ থাকলে ম্যানশন করুন।
  10. পিতা /স্বামীর নাম: উল্লেখ থাকলে দিতে পারেন।
  11. ক্যাপচা কোড: উপরে দেওয়া ক্যাপচা কোড টি সিলেক্ট করে অনুসন্ধান বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।

Mouza Map PDF

If you want to collect a fun map in PDF file format it can be collected in PDF file format but direct copy can be collected on request. Based on the above information, when you go to this official website, when you want to apply for fun size, you need to go to the application page first. First, you need to select your category name from the information provided there. Then you go down and select your district first. Check Medical Status

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you will be able to know the correct information about the related subject from this article. We have disclosed this matter in detail for your understanding. We have tried to provide you with details about the issues related to this paper. Hope you can join the discussion again if you have any problem with knowing about the topics and also if you have any questions about any topic you can inform us. You can know about this subject as well as you can talk to us about the things you want to know.