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HSC Short Syllabus 2025 PDF Download For All Subjects

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HSC Short Syllabus 2025 PDF Download For All Subjects was published on the 2nd week of July 2023. Due to lack of sufficient classes Ministry of Education Board has decided to publish HSC New short syllabus 2025 to reduce the extra workload of the students. This decision has been taken for the betterment of the students. The new short syllabus for the HSC candidate has already been created by DSHE. Keep in touch with us to Download the new HSC short Syllabus for the upcoming HSC examination of 2025. HSC New Syllabus 2025, HSC Short Curriculum PDF. এইচএসসি সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস ২০২৫ পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড.

HSC Short Syllabus 2025 PDF Download For All Subjects

With the issuance of the new HSC short syllabus, our website will upload it immediately. So, students can easily download the file from below as an image and PDF format. You can find the newly updated syllabus on the official website of DSHE on the day of publication. However many people will try to access that website on the same day and at the same time you may have problems loading the page as well as downloading. That’s why you can find it here without facing any trouble. SSC Short Syllabus 2025 Find here.

You May Find Here HSC Routine 2025.

Students of the HSC examination can search for the new syllabus on our website whenever they want. The short syllabus of the new HSC will be updated very soon after the syllabus officially by the education board. As soon as they announce the syllabus and the curriculum of the HSC examination we will publish also at the same time inshallah.

২০২৩-এর সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাসেই হবে ২০২৫ সালের এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা

২০২৫ খ্রিষ্টাব্দের এইচএসসি ও সমমান পরীক্ষা সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাসে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। ২০২৩ খ্রিষ্টাব্দের এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার পুনর্বিন্যাস করা সিলেবাসে আগামী বছর এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা অনুষ্ঠিত হবে। মঙ্গলবার বিকেলে আন্তর্জাতিক মাতৃভাষা ইনস্টিটিউটে শিক্ষামন্ত্রী ডা. দীপু মনির সভাপতিত্বে অনুষ্ঠিত সভায় এ সিদ্ধান্ত হয়েছে।

HSC 2025 Short Syllabus PDF Download by NCTB

তিনি আরো বলেন, তবে আগামী বছরের এসএসসি পরীক্ষা সাধরণ সিলেবাসেই অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।

জানা গেছে, চলতি বছরের এইচএসসি ও সমমান পরীক্ষা সংক্ষিপ্ত বা পুনর্বিন্যাসকৃত সিলেবাসে আগামী ১৭ আগস্ট থেকে শুরু হচ্ছে। আগামী বছরের এইচএসসি, আলিম ও এইচএসসি ভোকেশনাল ও বিএম পরীক্ষাও এ সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাসে অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।

ওই সভায় মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চশিক্ষা বিভাগের সচিব মো. সোলেমান খান, আন্তঃশিক্ষা বোর্ড সমন্বয় কমিটির সভাপতি ও ঢাকা শিক্ষা বোর্ডের চেয়ারম্যান অধ্যাপক তপন কুমার সরকার, জাতীয় শিক্ষাক্রম ও পাঠ্যপুস্তক বোর্ডের (এনসিটিবি) চেয়ারম্যান অধ্যাপক মো. ফরহাদুল ইসলাম, মাদরাসা শিক্ষা অধিদপ্তরের মহাপরিচালক হাবিবুর রহমান, মাদরাসা শিক্ষা বোর্ডের চেয়ারম্যান অধ্যাপক কায়সার আহমেদ, কারিগরি অধিদপ্তরের মহাপরিচালক মো. মহসিনসহ শিক্ষা প্রশাসনের ঊর্ধ্বতন কর্মকর্তারা উপস্থিত ছিলেন বলে জানা গেছে। 

Click Here to Download HSC short Syllabus 2025 PDF (All Subjects)

HSC Short Syllabus by

The Director of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) has released the new HSC short syllabus earlier in February month. They will upload the new syllabus in detail on the official website. The official website link is You can download the HSC short syllabus from the official website as well. If you face any error to download it you may download the syllabus in different ways with different format.

Compulsory HSC Short Syllabus all Subjects New Download 2025 Published by NCTB

(২০২৫ সালের সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস নিচে দেওয়া হল ডাউনলোড করে নিন)

Download HSC Short Syllabus 2025 From Google Drive

Arts Section

Business Section

সকল বিষয়ের সিলেবাস নিচে দেওয়া হয়েছে, এখান থেকে ডাউনলোড করুন পিডিএফ ফাইল

Bangla 1st paper**** Download PDF
Bangla 2nd  Paper Download PDF
English 1st Paper Download PDF
English 2nd  Paper Download PDF
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Download PDF
Islam Shikkha 1st Paper Download PDF
Islam Shikkha 2nd Paper Download PDF

Science Subjects Syllabus PDF

Physics 1st Part Download PDF
Physics 2nd Part Download PDF
Chemistry 1st Part Download PDF
Chemistry 2nd Part Download PDF
Biology 1st Part Download PDF
Biology 2nd Part Download PDF
Higher Mathematics 1st Part Download PDF
Higher Mathematics 2nd Part Download PDF
Soil Science 1st Part Download PDF
Soil Science 2nd Part Download PDF
Statistics 1st Part Download PDF
Statistics 2nd Part Download PDF

Arts/Humanities Subject Syllabus PDF

Logic 1st Part Download PDF
Logic 2nd Part Download PDF
Economics 1st Part Download PDF
Economics 2nd Part Download PDF
Social Work 1st Part Download PDF
Social Work 2nd Part Download PDF
Geography 1st Part Download PDF
Geography 2nd Part Download PDF
Islamic History & Culture 1st Part Download PDF
Islamic History & Culture 2nd Part Download PDF
Civic & Good Governance 1st Part Download PDF
Civic & Good Governance 2nd Part Download PDF
Sociology 1st Paper Download PDF
Sociology 2nd Paper Download PDF
History 1st Part Download PDF
History 2nd Part Download PDF
Art & Textile 1st Part Download PDF
Art & Textile 2nd Part Download PDF
Psychology 1st Part Download PDF
Psychology 2nd Part Download PDF
Home Management 1st Part Download PDF
Home Management 2nd Part Download PDF
Home Science 1st Part Download PDF
Home Science 2nd Part Download PDF
Food & Nutrition 1st Part Download PDF
Food & Nutrition 2nd Part Download PDF
Art & Craft 1st Part Download PDF
Art & Craft 2nd Part Download PDF
Child Development 1st Part Download PDF
Child Development 2nd Part Download PDF
Agriculture 1st Part Download PDF
Agriculture 2nd Part Download PDF

Commerce/ Business Studies Syllabus PDF

Accounting 1st Part Download PDF
Accounting 2nd Part Download PDF
Business Organization and Management 1st Part Download PDF
Business Organization and Management 2nd Part Download PDF
Product Management 1st Part Download PDF
Product Management 2nd Part Download PDF
Finance, Banking, and Insurance 1st Part Download PDF
Finance, Banking, and Insurance 2nd Part Download PDF

Arabic 1st Part Download

Arabic 2nd Part Download

Sanskrit 1st Part Download

Sanskrit 2nd Part Download

Pali 1st Part Download

Pali 2nd Part Download

Light Music 1st Part Download
Light Music 2nd Part Download

Cassical Music 1st part Download
Cassical Music 2nd Part Download

ED 1st paper 180 Download
2nd ED paper 222 Download
ED 2nd paper 182 Download
ED 2nd paper 183 Download

Download All Subjects Short Syllabus of HSC Examination 2025

  • Science
  • Physics
  • Math Syllabus 06.20.2025
  • Islam and moral education
  • ICT
  • Home Science
  • History
  • Hindu Religion and Moral Education
  • Higher Math
  • Geography & Environment
  • English 2nd
  • English 1st
  • Economics
  • Civics
  • Christro Religion and Moral Education
  • Chemistry
  • Career Education
  • Business Ent.
  • Buddhist Religion and Moral Education
  • Biology
  • Bangladesh and Global Studies
  • Bangla 2nd Paper
  • Bangla 1st Paper.
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Agriculture

HSC Exam Marks Distribution 2025

We will update the HSC Exam Routine 2025 on this site by marking HSC Exam Distribution 2025 So we suggest you should visit again for more information. Alim Exam Distribution 2025. Alim Exam 2025 new syllabus is also available here. New syllabus of technical board and technical board mark distribution Exam 2025. Due to coronavirus pandemic in Bangladesh, HSC exam will be held this year in the period of July-August 2025 [possible]. Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni had earlier said in a press conference.

HSC Syllabus by NCTB

You may visit for more details and further instruction Bangladesh Education Board website at or National Curriculum & Textbook Board (NCTB), website at

HSC Arts Short Syllabus PDF 2025

Are you looking for new syllabus of humanities department? We have also published new syllabus of humanities department on our website. You can easily get syllabus of all subjects including economics, civics, geography, logic, psychology on this website. Easily download the newly prepared syllabus of all subjects of humanities department from here.

HSC Science Exam Short Syllabus Download 2025

Important subjects syllabus of the science department such as physics, chemistry, higher mathematics, biology, General Math will be found in this post. So, when the new syllabus publishes you may able to download the new syllabus of HSC exam without any late.

HSC New Business Studies/Commerce Short Syllabus

We will publish here the new short syllabus of business education department and all subjects at our website. If you want to get it you can easily download the new syllabus of HSC exam business department. Major subjects of Business Studies group are Economics, Finance, Banking and Insurance, Statistics. Every subjects syllabus of Business studies group will get from here.

Conclusion Speech

After all, students will find their HSC exam short Syllabus 2025 for all subjects on our website. Candidates can download the new syllabus with both PDF and image format above in this article. We will update instantly all the information regarding the HSC Examination of 2025. Hope you have got your syllabus and you may share this post on your timeline with your friends.