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Money Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh Taka (BDT) 2024 – All Country Currency Rate in Bangladesh (Live)

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Money Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh Taka (BDT) 2024 বাংলাদেশি টাকার বিনিময় হার – All Country Currency Rate in Bangladesh (Live)Today’s Money Exchange Rate in 2024 Ajker Takar rate of all countries 2024: If you want to know the information regarding Ajker Takar rate of different countries inside Bangladesh today in BDT (Taka). Then you will be able to know it from here. And all these currency rates will include the currency rates of different countries and the currency rates may contain all the information related to the rates of some important countries in the continents of Asia, Africa, Europe, America etc.

From this article you can collect: Today’s Bikash Rate, Ajker Takar Mullo Koto, Ajker Takar Dam, Takar Binimoy Har, Malaysian Ringgit to BDT, 1 Saudi Rial = How much Taka, 1 Dollar = How much Taka, Today’s Taka Rate 2024, How much is Bikash Rate, Bangladesh Taka Rate, Dollar Rate, Oman Taka Rate, Qatar Taka Rate, What is the rate of Indian Rupee, United Arab Emirates Rupee Rate, Rupee Rate of all countries, Saudi Rupee Rate, Today Rupee Rate, Dubai Rupee Rate, UAE Money Rate, Today’s Dirham Rate, Bangladesh Taka Rate, Dubai Dirham to Bangladesh Taka, Dirham to Rupee.

Money Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh Taka (BDT) 2024 – All Country Currency Rate in Bangladesh (Live)

If you take a look at the below mentioned information then you can see the exclusive authentic money exchange rates of all countries here, all the latest updated today’s currency rates of various important countries of the world. You can also check all the information regarding Takar rate of some other countries. In that case you may refer to the following article.

All the currency rates discussed here are the latest updated currency rates or today’s money rate. And if you want, you can change the currency rate and view any currency conversion of your choice. From this article you can know the exact result of converting other currencies of the world to Bangladeshi currency.

Money Exchange Rate Today Bangladesh Taka (BDT) 2023 - All Country Currency Rate in Bangladesh (Live)

According to the latest update, if you convert other currencies of the world into Bangladeshi taka, what will be the result? Collect that related information from here.

Today’s currency exchange rate in Bangladeshi taka 9th December 2024

Bangladesh’s trade with different countries of the world is expanding day by day. Currency exchange also increased to facilitate business transactions. Expatriates living in different countries of the world are sending foreign currency regularly. Hence it is necessary to know the daily currency exchange rate. Let’s know today’s exchange rate of Bangladeshi Taka with currencies of different countries. The wheels of the country’s economy are running on the hard-earned money sent by expatriates. Currency exchange rates on 9th December 2024 are presented for the convenience of expatriate transactions.

বাংলাদেশি টাকায় আজকের মুদ্রা বিনিময় হার (9th December 2024)

লেনদেনের সুবিধার্থে ৯ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪ তারিখে বিভিন্ন দেশের মুদ্রার সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশি টাকার বিনিময় হার তুলে ধরা হলো-

বৈদেশিক মুদ্রার নাম

বাংলাদেশি টাকা

ইউএস ডলার

১২৪ টাকা ০৮ পয়সা

ইউরোপীয় ইউরো

১৩২ টাকা ৪০ পয়সা

ব্রিটেনের পাউন্ড

১৫৪ টাকা ৬৫ পয়সা

ভারতীয় রুপি

১ টাকা ৪১ পয়সা

মালয়েশিয়ান রিঙ্গিত

২৭ টাকা ৬০ পয়সা

সিঙ্গাপুর ডলার

৯১  টাকা ৪৮ পয়সা

সৌদি রিয়াল

৩১ টাকা ৯০ পয়সা

কানাডিয়ান ডলার

৮৮ টাকা ৬০ পয়সা

অস্ট্রেলিয়ান ডলার

৮০ টাকা ০৮ পয়সা

কুয়েতি দিনার

৪০৩ টাকা ১০ পয়সা

** যেকোনো সময় মুদ্রার বিনিময় হার পরিবর্তন হতে পারে।

EXCHANGE RATE OF TAKA Bangladesh Bank (9th December 2024)

Exchange rates of Taka for inter-bank and customer transactions are set by the dealer banks, based on demand-supply interaction and indicative rates suggested by the Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers’ Association(BAFEDA). Bangladesh Bank (BB) is not in the market on a day-to-day basis and undertakes USD purchase or sale transactions with dealer banks only as and when needed to maintain orderly market conditions.

The exchange rates below are the highest and lowest interbank exchange rates of various foreign currencies against BDT at Dhaka.

BDT with other foreign currencies is based on NY and Dhaka closing exchange rates.

A. Interbank USD/BDT exchange rate and Volume as of Oct 31, 2024:
Currency Day´s lowest Day´s highest Current WAR Spot Volume
USD 120.0000 120.0000 120.0000 1.25 million
B. Cross rates as of Oct 31, 2024:
Currency Buying/Low Rate Selling/High Rate
EUR 129.8160 129.8280
GBP 156.1800 156.1920
AUD 78.7200 78.7320
JPY 0.7824 0.7825
CAD 86.2317 86.2441
SEK 11.2759 11.2842
SGD 90.5934 90.6550
CNH 16.7992 16.8004
INR 1.4272 1.4277

Disclaimer: The Cross-currency rates (FC against BDT) are derived from the FC against FC deals and USD/BDT deals done in the interbank FC market and reported to BAFEDA by the dealer banks. If there is no deal of a particular currency in the interbank market on a specific day, there will be no cross-currency rates on that day.


You can check the information from your nearest bank to know the latest price. Do not use Google or currency converters. There are buy and sell averages. You will send your money legally through the bank. Don’t send money to the illegal street like Hundi. We mention the currency Money Exchange Rate Today rates of different countries in this post daily.