New SSC Exam Short Syllabus 2026 – (এসএসসির নতুন সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস ২০২৬) PDF Download – has been published by NCTB. The National Curriculum and Textbook Board has published the short syllabus of the Secondary Certificate Examination (SSC). According to the decision, the syllabus will be eligible for the SSC Examination 2026. If you are an examinee of SSC and its equivalent examination of 2026, you might need to download the New SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF and JPG file published by NCTB. New SSC Syllabus PDF Download, Download Short Syllabus 2026 SSC Exam.
SSC Short Syllabus 2026 PDF Download – (এসএসসি নতুন সংক্ষিপ্ত সিলেবাস ২০২৬)
However, now you can download Bangla, English, and Math– all subjects syllabus from our website. Moreover, we will publish Dakhil and Technical board SSC short syllabus 2026 on our website as well. The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education has published the SSC short syllabus 2026 on 30th December 2024 by NCTB. As soon as the Education Ministry publishes the new SSC Short syllabus 2026, we have published the short SSC syllabus on our website very soon. You May Find Here SSC Routine 2026.
Latest Update News About SSC Exam Short Syllabus 2026
The exam for the Secondary school certificate 2026 will be held hopefully in the February month of 2026. The exam will also be taken with the syllabus confirmed by the education board of Bangladesh. Education minister Dr. Dipu Moni said in a conference earlier this month.
This year’s syllabus shows that the mark distribution of the subjects in the 2026 SSC examination has been newly determined. For subjects without practical tests, there will be 70 marks in the essay section and 30 marks in the multiple-choice section. On the other hand, subjects including practical tests will have 75 marks in the theoretical section and 25 marks in the practical section. 40 marks have been allocated for the theoretical section, 10 marks for the short questions, and 25 marks for the multiple-choice section.
Download New SSC Exam Short Syllabus 2026 PDF
As we have already said we are going to give you all subject SSC syllabus here, we will duly work for that. SSC students of this year have have a lot of trouble during the pandemic. Now time has come to say end to the trouble. As the SSC exam approaches, we recommend you go along with an exam strategy. There will be a post regarding the exam strategy. Find SSC Result 2026 and HSC Result 2026 here.
২০২৬ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার সিলেবাস
Click Here to Download SSC Exam Syllabus Short 2026 PDF (All Subjects)
সকল বিষয়ের সিলেবাস নিচে দেওয়া হয়েছে, এখান থেকে ডাউনলোড করুন পিডিএফ ফাইল।
Download: ২০২৬ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার পুনর্বিন্যাসকৃত পাঠ্যসূচি।
- Bangla 1st Paper
- Bangla 2nd Paper
- English 1st Paper
- English 2nd Paper
- Math Syllabus
- Islam and moral education
- Buddhist Religion and Moral Education
- Career Education
- Christro Religion and Moral Education
- Hindu Religion and Moral Education
- SSC Arabic
- SSC Sanskrit
- All Subject SSC Short Syllabus Download
Science Short Syllabus 2026
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Higher Math
- Physics
Business Studies Short Syllabus 2026
- Accounting
- Business Ent.
- Finance and Banking
Humanities Short Syllabus 2026 Download
- Civics
- Home Science
- Economics
- Agriculture
- Science
- Arts and Craft
- Bangladesh and Global Studies
- Geography and Environment
- History
- Physical Education
SSC 2026 প্রশ্নের ধরণ ও নম্বর বিভাজন: PDF ডাউনলোড
Group Wise SSC New Short Syllabus
We all know that SSC level has 3 groups. Below are the new and short syllabus of SSC for Art, Science and Commerce 3 groups. There are some subjects that are compulsory for students of all groups.
Bangla 1st Paper, Bangla 2nd Paper, English 1st Paper, English 2nd Paper, Math ICT Islam and Moral Education Hindu Religion and Moral Education Christro Religion and Moral Education Buddhist Religion and Moral Education Arts & Crafts Bangladesh and Global Studies Science Career Education Physical Education.
Humanities / Arts Short Syllabus For SSC Exam 2026
Civics, Economics, Geography & Environment, History.
Science Short Syllabus For SSC Exam 2026: Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
Commerce Short Syllabus: Accounting Business Enterprise Finance and Banking. Optional Subject Short Syllabus For SSC Exam: Agriculture, Higher Math, Home Science.
SSC Exam in February 2026, Reduced Syllabus by Education board
Auto pass has been given by canceling the fifth, eighth and HSC examinations of 2025. Although one month of the current academic year is about to pass, the educational institutions are still closed. The holiday has been extended in several phases till January 30. The government has taken a policy decision to open an educational institution from February to complete the syllabus of SSC equivalent and HSC equivalent candidates. An announcement in this regard may come soon.
Latest News of SSC and Equivalents Examination Syllabus 2026
New SSC Short Syllabus 2026 by NCTB
Many people can search by writing the keyword NCTB SSC Short Syllabus Download. So, You may visit for more details and further instruction Bangladesh Education Board website at or National Curriculum & Textbook Board (NCTB), website at
SSC Exam Short Syllabus Published by Reducing 25%
However, a short syllabus has made prepare in the light of the subjects that has associated with the next level and the subjects that need to learn and known in the ninth-tenth level. 20 to 25 percent of the content of each book has been reduced to a short syllabus.
After asking to know the NCTB member (curriculum) Professor, Mashiuzzaman told Jago News on Wednesday, ‘We have prepared a short syllabus for this year’s SSC equivalent candidates under the direction of the Ministry of Education. It has sent to the Ministry of Education last Sunday (June 12). If it is approved, it will publish by the education boards. In this light, this year’s SSC examination will be organized.