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HSC Admission Result 2023 2nd Merit | XI Class Admission 2nd Merit List Result 2022

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Hey dear XI Class Class students! Are you excited to get your 2nd Merit list of your HSC Admission Result 2023 2nd Merit Of All Colleges? The XI Class admission 2nd Merit result of 2022 has been published today at 8:00PM on 10th February 2022. So far we know that the application will start on 8th January 2022 for HSC (Higher Secondary School Certificate) admission. And the application will run up to 15th January 2022. The admission result of first merit will directly check from our website on 29th January 2022. The result will publish in three steps. 2nd Merit and 2nd Migration results on 10th February 2022, 2nd Migration and 3rd merit list result will publish on 15th February 2022.

HSC Admission Result 2023 2nd Merit

Here is your most wanted HSC Admission result 2022 will be published on 29th January 2022 for the first merit list from the Ministry of Bangladesh education board. After publishing the result we will provide result from our website immediately. Admission procedure in colleges will be started 19th February to 24th February 2022. Class will be started on 2nd March 2022.

To get result via internet students need to submit their roll registration number passing year and education board. So to get result from here click the link.  Check Online Result, check online result then please follow our instruction.

  • Online and SMS Application Starts on: 8th January 2022.
  • Last date of Application: 15th January 2022.
  • Last date who will get re-scrutiny result changed: 22-23 January 2022
  • First Merit Admission Result: 29th January 2022 at 8:00 PM.
  • Migration starts on 29th January 2022.
  • 2nd Migration Result on 10th February 2022.
  • Second Merit List Result 10th February 2022.
  • 2nd Migration Result on 15th February 2022
  • 3rd Merit Result for college selection on 15th February 2022.
  • Admission and Final Results: 24th February 2022.
  • Students Class Starts on 2nd March 2022.

Everybody should be know that kinds of information. If you are a candidate of HSC admission 2022, please read the full article for details knowledge. Hope that you can easily understand about HSC admission rules and terms.

HSC Admission Result 2023 2nd Merit List Result – XI Class Admission

XI Class Admission Result 2023

If you don’t understand anything then write a comments under our post. We are try to reply as soon as possible. Also you can able to see details in bangla language by image file. that are situated into bottom of our post. please see that for good knowledge.

How To Get Online HSC Admission Result 2023

Here is also available option to check HSC admission result 2022 from govt web portal. Just provide required information. Like as Roll number, Board Name, Passing year and Registration number. Finally press the View result button to get your Result. Result has published please check your result by visiting the link below.

Get Result Online.HSC Admission Result 2017

  1. Go to XI Class Admission Result Link
  2. Alternative Result Link
  3. Type Your SSC Exam Information
  4. Enter Valid Captcha Code
  5. Click View Result and Get Your Desire Result

Notice: N.B.: GEN=General, SQ=Special, OWN=Own, FFQ=Freedom Fighter

নির্বাচিত শিক্ষার্থীদের আগামী ৩০/০১/২০২২ তারিখ হতে ০৬/০২/২০২২ তারিখ সন্ধ্যা ৮:০০ টার মধ্যে মোবাইল ব্যাংকিং চার্জ বাদে রেজিস্ট্রেশন ফি ২২৮/= টাকা ( ওয়েবসাইটে উল্লেখিত অপারেটর-এর মাধ্যমে) জমা দিয়ে ভর্তির প্রাথমিক নিশ্চায়ন করতে হবে। তবে পরবর্তীতে মাইগ্রেশন হলে শিক্ষার্থীকে নতুন করে ভর্তি নিশ্চায়ন করতে হবে না অর্থাৎ রেজিস্ট্রেশন ফি দিতে হবে না। শিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানে ভর্তির তারিখ ১৯/০২/২০২২ হতে ২৪/০২/২০২২ পর্যন্ত। ক্লাস শুরুর তারিখ ০২/০৩/২০২২.

Please follow Refresh or Reload button If you unable to see the for search again. Hope that anyone can easily view HSC admission result 2022 by providing their valid information of the valid applicants.

How to get HSC Admission Result 2023 by SMS

Student will be notified about their first selected college on 29th January 2022 by automatically giving SMS from education board to their given phone number. So they don’t need to send for getting result.

How to apply for migration for XI Class Admission 2022:
Everyone can apply for college migration after first college selection. Students need to migrate by entering the website with the user id and password then have to select migration option. Then if seat avail for the college then they will be further selected. Migration application will be started on 29th January 2022. And the result of migration will be published on 10th February 2022. Detail circular has given below as photo. Please follow Refresh or Reload button If you unable to see result. Hope that any one can easily find result

From apply online migration you can apply easily for migration and reapply for the admission. But the link will be opened on 29th January 2022 at 8:00 PM. Then you will go for the option. 2nd merit result and migration result will be published on 29th January 2022 at 8:00 PM Night. 2nd Merit result on 10th February 2022, 3rd Merit result on 15th February 2022. You can check result from here directly. After publishing the result you can see your result from the link.


To recover your security code click here GET SECURITY CODE. Remember you can get only one chance to recover your security code from here. So be careful about giving your information to submit for security code.

HSC Admission Result 2023 of all Colleges of Bangladesh

HSC is the higher secondary school certificate course it’s period is two years. After completing SSC or equivalent examination students can be admitted into colleges. It is most valuable period of a student to build up his chances to study in the public university and to get higher education it is the major period I think so.

To get admission in the leading colleges of Bangladesh students should have good results in SSC examination. In this way anyone can admitted a good collage in Bangladesh. Don’t worry, if you have a good GPA point then hope that you can get a chance to get admitted into a good college. Best of luck everybody.

Because leading colleges offer the golden students in their college. They have own circular to admission. That’s why everyone need to have the confidence of applying into desire colleges. You can also re scrutiny from here.

XI Class Application Help Line Number

XI Class Application Help Line (9 AM to 5 PM)
Application Helpline Board Helpline Board Helpline
01711662432 (Dhaka)
01712025354 (Dhaka)
01552327490 (Dhaka)
01815711477 (Dhaka)
01748826140 (Dhaka)
01718232313 (Dhaka)
01534294646 (Dhaka)
01676664022 (Dhaka)
01717212546 (Dhaka)
01922154640 (Dhaka)
01552-320991 (Rajshahi)
01511-099131 (Rajshahi)
01710-828517 (Rajshahi)
01718-674294 (Rajshahi)
01867-457346 (Rajshahi)
01723-665413 (Rajshahi)
01721-663631 (Rajshahi)
01712-141214 (Rajshahi)
01819548710 (Chattogram)
01917243477 (Chattogram)
01755699160 (Cumilla)
01708434839 (Cumilla)
01914776290 (Jashore)
01716787787 (Jashore)
01920940626 (Jashore)
01935312051 (Sylhet)
01908805187 (Sylhet)
01552359487 (Sylhet)
01733377771 (Sylhet)
01715714236 (Barishal)
01715848271 (Barishal)
01727669470 (Barishal)
01750330634 (Dinajpur)
01722608157 (Dinajpur)
01717905474 (Dinajpur)

Conclusion Speech

If you can not find out your HSC Admission Result 2023 then kindly comment below or contact with our Facebook page. To get more notice about HSC Admission result 2022 you have to stay with our website and Facebook fan page where we will update the news regularly. So like the page and stay blessed.