Price Hike Paragraph HSC 2024, For SSC & Class 8 Students are available at our website. If you are looking for authentic Paragraph for the Price Hike (মূল্যবৃদ্ধি) then you can easily find it and read it for your syllabus. Here you will get Price hike paragraph 500 words, Price hike paragraph 300 words, Price hike paragraph hsc 2024, Price hike paragraph class 10, Price hike paragraph in 250 words, Price hike paragraph in 150 words, Price hike paragraph in 100 words.
Price Hike Paragraph HSC 2024, SSC & Class 8 Students
We have shared multiple paragraphs of the Price Hike ‘মূল্যবৃদ্ধি’ in terms of words. Student can write any of these with the requirements. The paragraphs and Essay of Price Hike ‘মূল্যবৃদ্ধি’ have given below at this article of our website. Please read the paragraph attentively and share it with your friends.
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Price Hike Paragraph with Bangla meaning:
Question: Write a paragraph on ‘Price Hike’ answering the following questions. (নিম্নলিখিত প্রশ্নের উত্তর দিয়ে ‘মূল্যবৃদ্ধি’-এর উপর একটি অনুচ্ছেদ লিখ।)
- a) What is price hike?
- b) What are the causes of it?
- c) What is the impact of it in our society?
- d) Who are the worst sufferers of it?
- e) How can it be controlled?
Answer: Price hike means the exorbitant increase of the price of almost all the essential daily commodities . There are many reasons of it. Short supply of daily commodities and inflation are mainly responsible for price hike. Sometimes dishonest businesspersons and hoarders artificially raise price for making more profit. The price hike may also causes due to flood and fault of rail and road communications.
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Besides, the holy month of Ramadan also contribute a lot to it because people buy some commodities more than in other months. Vegetables, brinjal, green chili, sugar and oil become most expensive during this time. There are some bad impacts of it in our society. Price hike decreases our living standard and increases corruption in our society. Price hike increases the sufferings of the common people.
The poor and the middle class people of our society are affected by it. Nevertheless, the worst sufferers of it are those who live from hand to month. Government should take immediate actions to control it. The law enforcing agencies should be deployed in the marketplace to monitor the market price. Legal actions must be taken against the dishonest businesspersons and hoarders.
Price Hike Paragraph মূল্যবৃদ্ধি – বাংলা অনুবাদ
অনুবাদ: মূল্যবৃদ্ধি মানে নিত্যপ্রয়োজনীয় প্রায় সকল দ্রব্যের মূল্য অত্যধিক বৃদ্ধি। এর অনেক কারণ রয়েছে। নিত্যপণ্যের স্বল্প সরবরাহ এবং মূল্যস্ফীতি মূলত মূল্যবৃদ্ধির জন্য দায়ী। অনেক সময় অসাধু ব্যবসায়ী ও মজুতদাররা বেশি মুনাফা অর্জনের জন্য কৃত্রিমভাবে দাম বাড়ায়। বন্যা এবং রেল ও সড়ক যোগাযোগের ত্রুটিরও মূল্যবৃদ্ধির কারণ হতে পারে।
এছাড়া পবিত্র রমজান মাসও এতে অনেক অবদান রাখে। কারণ মানুষ অন্যান্য মাসের তুলনায় কিছু পণ্য বেশি ক্রয় করে। এ সময় সবজি, বেগুন, কাঁচা মরিচ, চিনি ও তেলের দাম সবচেয়ে বেশি হয়ে যায়। আমাদের সমাজে এর কিছু খারাপ প্রভাব রয়েছে। মূল্যবৃদ্ধি আমাদের জীবনযাত্রার মান হ্রাস করে এবং আমাদের সমাজে দুর্নীতি বাড়ায়। মূল্যবৃদ্ধিতে সাধারণ মানুষের ভোগান্তি বাড়ছে।
এতে আমাদের সমাজের দরিদ্র ও মধ্যবিত্ত মানুষ ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়। তবুও, এর সবচেয়ে বেশি ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ তারা যারা দিনে আনে দিনে খায়। এটি নিয়ন্ত্রণে সরকারকে দ্রুত পদক্ষেপ নিতে হবে। মূল্য নিয়ন্ত্রণে আইনশৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী বাহিনীকে বাজারে মোতায়েন করতে হবে। অসাধু ব্যবসায়ী ও মজুদদারদের বিরুদ্ধে আইনগত ব্যবস্থা নিতে হবে।
Paragraph on Price Hike (150 Words) for Class 5, 6, 7
When the product price gets higher and goes out of control of general people we call that situation as a price hike. This is a common problem for every developing country. The biggest reason behind this is the decrease in production and corruption between people. It has not an easy problem to handle. Sometimes due to a natural disaster, we get a lower amount of production and that can’t fulfill our demand. At that time the government import that product from another country. But there are some man made problems too, such as immoral businessmen store too many products, black-marketing, increase the supply of money, and increase public demand. We can control this problem with solving these reasons. But the government should take some serious steps on that. Using the law properly can change the situation; otherwise, this problem can destroy the economy of a country.
Paragraph on Price Hike (200 Words) for Class 8, 9, 10
When the price of daily necessary things goes up and out of general customer’s affordability in that time we address that situation as Price Hike. Price hikes a very common problem in countries like India, Bangladesh or Pakistan. We are a developing country and our economy is not stable. Because of several reasons the prices of different things go up sometimes. The biggest reason for the price hike is a lower amount of production. When the production is lower, the government needs to import that product from another country and the cost goes up automatically.
There are some other reasons too. Some immoral businessmen store the products and make an imbalance in the market. That’s another reason behind this problem. When the supply of money increase too much, the price gets higher. This is a tough thing to control. The government should look after and control the market to keep the price balanced every time. Not only is our country almost every country suffering from this problem. We need to increase production and stop importing things from other countries. If we focus on production, we will be able to create millions of job opportunities for jobless people, will get things with a good price and the country will earn huge money from exporting.
Paragraph on Price Hike For HSC Batch Students 2024 (500 Words)
To be honest, most citizens of our country will consider it normal today and the long-lasting consequences of the price rise within our nation. The range of costs includes food, accommodations, education, health treatments, etc. In short, every need for the people. Countries in the developing world such as Bangladesh have many middle-income and poor citizens who struggle to provide basic necessities for their families and themselves. It is no surprise that the situation is significantly worse when the cost of goods rises significantly.
According to the way economic system, the tendency to gradually increase the price of items is normal. This is known as inflation. in which the cost of everything gradually rises with the passage of time. If currency value drops and the cost of products will always increase. Because inflation is common in all countries to a lesser degree and a change in price at times is normal. But, the rate of price increase is different in that it is not the increase of all things but, rather a rise in the cost of one particular item or service. Knowing the process of price hikes is important.
The occurrence of an abnormal price increase can occur due to a variety of reasons. The reality of Bangladesh has to be fully learned to better understand the unusual price hikes. The demand for essentials is constant, and as the amount of products becomes less, sellers will increase prices. The problem is that the lack of goods is often purposely created to raise prices and make more profits. Suppliers and sellers in a syndicate choose to cause a shortage. The majority of the time it is due to the lack of regulation by the government.
These kinds of crimes go repeatedly ignored which enables the continuation of the work. The scarcity of food throughout the country is also a cause. If the products in the country is cut and imports fall the shortage of supply has to be addressed in the most effective way. The lack of proper control over the number of goods is the primary issue most often.
This is why there has been an increase in the cost of goods. Furthermore, the increase in the cost of services such as education, accommodation, treatment, etc. results from the rapid growth in inflation. Price hikes are one of the major factors as well. When total expenses increase and prices rise, it is to preserve the profits. Naturally, inflation and price rise impact every aspect of our needs in the same way.
The effects of price increases fall predominantly on the people who are middle and poor everywhere. It is evident in the items we require in our everyday lives. The price increases in food items won’t stop people from seeking alternatives, since our habits of eating don’t change significantly. Instead, those who are poor consume less food, making them more vulnerable. They have forced to select more expensive alternatives when the cost exceeds their capacity.